How to Become an Investment Grade Writer

How to Become an Investment Grade Writer
Please join the Education Advisory Group (EAG) as they welcome Wentworth Financial Communications

CFA Society Chicago Professional Developement invites everyone to please join us for a presentation with writing expert, Scott Wentworth, CEO from Wentworth Financial Writing

Portfolio managers, analysts, and other investment professionals can enhance the returns of their writing efforts by following a disciplined, repeatable process. 
Being able to succinctly articulate an investment thesis is a critical skill for portfolio managers, analysts, product specialists, and other CFA charterholders. But for many investment professionals, turning their ideas into white papers, blogs, client letters, or even emails can be an inefficient, time-consuming, or frustrating exercise.

In this interactive session, veteran financial writer Scott Wentworth will explain how investment professionals can improve their writing skills by doing something that already comes naturally to them: following a process. Scott will explain the steps of the process that he and other professional writers use and discuss how “non-writers” can apply these principles to whatever forms of writing they encounter in their jobs. 

What you will learn:  
  1. Develop an efficient writing process that fits their personal style and job requirements
  2. Incorporate elements of journalism and storytelling into their written communications
  3. Use “writing hacks” to avoid common pitfalls
  4. Develop a compelling story around their investment thesis
  5. Eliminate the fear of staring at a blank screen


Location:  33 N. LaSalle Vault Space (Lower Level) 

Registration Begins at 4:30 PM
Presentation 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Networking 6:00 - 6:30 PM

Light snacks and beverages will be served. 

Passport Program
This is a "Passport Program." Members of any local CFA society may attend at the CFA Society Chicago member rate. If you are only a member of CFA Institute, you do not qualify for the society member rate.

CFA Institute CE Qualified Activity
This program qualifies for credit under the guidelines for the CFA Institute Professional Development Program.

9/18/2024 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
33 N. LaSalle Street The Vault (Lower Level) Chicago 60602 UNITED STATES
Registration not available.

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